Ensuring kitesurfers’ safety while fostering a community
A mobile app concept for kitesurfing enthusiasts.

UX/UI Design & Mobile Prototyping
Product Strategy & Business Analysis
App Planning & User Analysis
UX Research & Strategic Design
KiteRoll is a mobile app concept enabling kitesurfers to find accurate real-time wind and weather information, tide forecasts, weather forecasts, etc. It identifies spot locations, connects kitesurfers while building a kitesurfing community.
The app was designed for the following users:
- Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Kiters (MVP)
- Pro kitesurfers (MVP)
- Kitesurfing community (MVP)
- Kitesurfing Schools and instructors (Future)
- Kitesurfing Supply Companies

How to help kitesurfers find real-time wind and weather information on kite spot locations to minimize risks associated with the sport.
Wind and weather conditions are critical in kiteboarding. Offshore winds can carry a kitesurfer far out to sea. If strong wind overpowers the kitesurfer, the risk of getting lofted high into the air increases. Once lofted, a kitesurfer can be carried a considerable distance. He/She may collide into solid objects, boats, rock walls, parked cars, houses, trees, and even power lines resulting in injury or death.
The risk of lofting can be minimized by avoiding weather conditions and spot locations with strong and variable winds. With accurate real-time information, kitesurfers can plan and enjoy their kite activities and prevent sport’s risk. They can gain up-to-date information on weather, tidal, and wind conditions for the spot locations. They can also connect with a community of kitesurfers and share activities and new spots and kitesurfing information.
Product Features
- LiveWind Status, WindMaps, NowCasts
- Radar Precipitation, Satellite Clouds Formation
- Forecast Weather Table, Forecast Weather Map
- Wind Graph, Kite Spots and Kitesurfing Site
- Local Information, Local Conditions
- Reviews / Write a review
- Share a new Spot
- Message the community
- Chat with the community
- Sign in / Sign out
- Build a Profile
- Upload Photos and Activities
Concept Developer | UX Researcher | Strategic Designer
I developed the concept for the app. I built wireframes, visual branding, and a rapid digital prototype to visualize an idea and get user feedback.
Key Contributions:
- Product Strategy, Strategic Design
- Design Thinking, Empathy Map, Journey Map
- UX Research, Usability Tests, User Interviews
- Contextual Inquiry, Literature Review
- Product Requirements Document
- Design Specifications & Persona Creation
- User and Market Analysis
- Comparative Analysis, SWOT Analysis
- Info Architecture, Sitemap, Content Strategy
- Diagrams and Wireframes
- Rapid Digital Prototypes
- UX/UI, Future Development

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